Diamond List

"The Diamond List is out of a Diamond-Hander's Dream"

Imagine a list that is like a pledge.

A pledge to HODL through thick and thin, stacking rewards and other perks for being one of the core supporters. The banana to the peel, so to speak.

Though we at $PEEL also encourage respectful profit taking.

We recommend using at least two wallets. One wallet to keep in the Diamond List, and the other to shave profits/buy dips.

Exclusive Perks For Diamond-Listed Wallets:

  1. Access to "Diamond List" Telegram Group Chat (early information & voting privileges)

  2. Rewards (including revenue share and Ethereum dividends)

  3. Early Entry for ALL Future Updates


🍌1. Wallet must hold at least X amount (%) of $PEEL tokens

🍌2. Contact @BananaManJake on Telegram, or @TheApeelingOne on X (Twitter)

- Please send your *Wallet Address* that is holding the X amount $PEEL

🍌3. Wallet CANNOT sell/transfer $PEEL tokens to other wallets. Immediate disqualification from Diamond List.

Last updated